LiveArt at Vryssaki 3-30 April 2011
Friday 29 April 2011
Thursday 28 April 2011
Wednesday 27 April 2011
Tuesday 26 April 2011
Live Mapping V (stage 1 - work in progress)
This live map, is still alive: "The discovery of the altar has resulted in a disagreement between the archaeologists and the Athens-Piraeus Railway. Despite the immense importance of this discovery from an archaeological point of view, the railway plans to rebury the site to avoid further delay in the final delivery of the renovated infrastructure." wikipedia
Friday 22 April 2011
Wednesday 20 April 2011
Tuesday 19 April 2011
Live Mapping III (stage 1 - work in progress)
Odeon of Agrippa is truly a fascinating building with many lives, one could not call it only Odeon of Agrippa. It's total destruction by the Herulians at 267 AC lead me to research the Heruli people. Next in my search of 'multi-life' buildings comes The Temple of Hephaestus. I find especially interesting, that contrary to most ancient buildings, the fact it is still standing is owed to Christian Orthodoxy.
Sunday 17 April 2011
Friday 15 April 2011
Live Mapping II (stage 1 - work in progress)
Walking past the Odeon of Agrippa I was drawn by the grandeur of the massive pillars which were carved in the form of giants. This brought me to research yet another building with many lives. I am now trying to translate these lives through visuals.
Thursday 14 April 2011
Tuesday 12 April 2011
Monday 11 April 2011
Saturday 9 April 2011
A thought
The Ancient Agora excavations throw light on 5,000 year of Athenian history. Layers upon layers of events, destruction, burying, building, and even resurrections define the movement of cultures and evolution of this land. Now lets talk about this through visuals...
Friday 8 April 2011
Thursday 7 April 2011
Touch & Reliefs
I have always been captivated by the touch. What I touch has been touched before, many, many times before. What I physically come in contact with can has also come in contact with other beings over the centuries. This creates a sense of bond. Whereas sites, smells and sounds change constantly, the physicality of the terrain and structures stays the same, slightly altered by time, but are still very much the same.
The touch, as we learn about the world, plays a vital role in our understanding of the dimension of objects.
Time - Space - Movement
Spaces occupied by a series of cultures over time captivate me. One very inspiring example, The Tower of the Winds and specifically under the Ottoman rule when it became a tekke and was used by whirling dervishes.
Tuesday 5 April 2011
The starting point
Before I even begun my residency at Vryssaki, I knew my starting point of inspiration would be ancient Greece and in specific the ancient sites all around that area. It is almost impossible when on these sites to not feel a sense honor and peace, be it the history, be it the Greek terrain, be it the marble still standing.
I walked through the Ancient Agora with my daughter, looking for what inspires me most, and what inspired me most was the way she herself explored the space, through her eyes I started feeling the marble, soil and plantation, through her eyes I started smelling the moistness of the spring we discovered, through her eyes I again saw the sharpness of the light and the contrasts of the shapes and colours.
My new studio and my ‘creative hub’ for the next month was buzzing today. My neighbor artist Andreas Pashias was setting up his exhibition in the rooms next door, launching on Thursday. In my hub, table set, papers & pencils out, I begin my new journey.
Thursday 31 March 2011
LiveArt Vryssaki Press Release
3/4 – 30/4
LiveArt at Vryssaki
Eileen Botsford
H Public Artist Eileen Botsford εγκαινιάζει στο Βρυσάκι την τέταρτη σειρά έργων της στο πλαίσιο των LiveArt projects ( .
LiveArt at Vryssaki
Eileen Botsford
H Public Artist Eileen Botsford εγκαινιάζει στο Βρυσάκι την τέταρτη σειρά έργων της στο πλαίσιο των LiveArt projects ( .
Η βασική φιλοσοφία των LiveArt projects βασίζεται σε φιλοξενίες (residencies) σε ολόκληρη την Ελλάδα κατά τη διάρκεια των οποίων το έργο τέχνης διαμορφώνεται με βάση τον εκάστοτε τόπο (site-specific), την ιστορία, τη γεωγραφική θέση και τα κοινωνικά δεδομένα του. Το κοινό έχει τη δυνατότητα να παρακολουθεί την εξέλιξη του έργου, στο, μέσω εικόνων, βίντεο και κειμένων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά. Στο τέλος της κάθε φιλοξενίας πραγματοποιείται παρουσίαση ή και έκθεση της αντίστοιχης δουλειάς σε επιλεγμένο χώρο .
Η Eileen Botsford εργάζεται ως Public Artist έχοντας προβάλει τη δουλειά της τόσο σε διεθνές όσο και σε τοπικό επίπεδο . Το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της δουλειά της βασίζεται στη ψηφιακή και τη διαδικτυακή τέχνη, σε βίντεο προβολές, σε ηχητικές εγκαταστάσεις και στη διαδραστική τέχνη. Oι πιο πρόσφατες δουλειές της περιλαμβάνουν κλασικές μεθόδους ελεύθερου σχεδίου σε συνδυασμό με διαδραστικά online projects.
Διάρκεια έκθεσης : 3/4 έως 30/4
Ώρες λειτουργίας: Δευτέρα έως Κυριακή : 12.00 - 21.00
Βρυσάκι, Χώρος Τέχνης & Δράσης
Βρυσακίου 17, Πλάκα (στάση Μετρό Μοναστηράκι)
Πληροφορίες: Ευαγγελία Σκρομπόλα, 210 3210179, 6932438195
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